by Megan Falasco | Jun 30, 2015 | Bootless Blog, Homepage Blog 1
The Girlfriend Seemingly harmless at first, the Girlfriend can be one of the most dangerous Deadites you can encounter. In life, these monstrosities can be your strongest ally: loyal, clear-thinkers with a good eye for an escape plan. If these creatures aren’t...
by Megan Falasco | Jun 22, 2015 | Bootless Blog, Homepage Blog 1
Prepare. Defend. Survive. When tackling Candarian Daemon – colloquially known as a “Deadite” – it’s a smart idea to know what you’re up against. Not all demons come at you in the same way: we here at Bootless Stageworks have narrowed down our classifications to these...
by Megan Falasco | Sep 4, 2014 | Bootless Blog
Zombies have been a horror staple for decades. No wonder: Satre said is best when he said “Hell is other people.” Well, Hell gets a tad bit scarier when you add mindless flesh eating to the people mix. The zombie plague has experienced a resurrection in an odd place,...