Know Your Deadite (Pt. 2)

Know Your Deadite (Pt. 2)

The Girlfriend Seemingly harmless at first, the Girlfriend can be one of the most dangerous Deadites you can encounter. In life, these monstrosities can be your strongest ally: loyal, clear-thinkers with a good eye for an escape plan. If these creatures aren’t...
Know Your Deadite (Pt. 2)

Know Your Deadite (Pt. 1)

Prepare. Defend. Survive. When tackling Candarian Daemon – colloquially known as a “Deadite” – it’s a smart idea to know what you’re up against. Not all demons come at you in the same way: we here at Bootless Stageworks have narrowed down our classifications to these...
Interrogation Files: Geremy Webne-Behrman

Interrogation Files: Geremy Webne-Behrman

“I’m convinced that my entire life is a TV show. But unlike Truman I’m okay with this. The writers of my life give me great material,” says Geremy Webne-Behrman. Shooing the camera crew further out of sight, we proceed with the interrogation. Webne-Behrman has the...