UPDATE 8/27/21 – This production is currently PENDING due to circumstances beyond our control.
Please check back for further updates. We are doing our very best to keep this production on the calendar.
Thank you for your patience.
Your pal Oedipus – a kid a lot like you – takes an exciting journey across ancient Greece to become king.
Warning: May contain manslaughter, eye-gouging, and parental incest.
By Robert Saferstein, Gil Varod & Kimberly Patterson
You’re just in time to attend the latest performance by the Fuzzy Duck Theater Company, a three-person troupe dedicated to performing the classics for children. A misguided, educational theatrical experience that swiftly spirals into a Charybdis-like whirlpool of suck with a darkly comic denouement. Learn about blind people, familial love, and communicable diseases through sing-along the likes of “A Little Complex,” “What’s It Like When Ya Get The Plague?” and “My Lover Is My Husband Is My Son.”
Note: This show is NOT for young audiences.
September 30, 2021 @ 7:30 pm
October 1, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
October 2, 2021 @ 3:00 pm
October 2, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
TICKETS: $15 General Admission Online (link below) or At-The-Door
Seats will be assigned by the Box Office upon your arrival to the theater.
Groups will only be seated once everyone in the group arrives.
FEATURING: Shaun Yates, Mariza Esperanza & Robert Pellechio
All Attendees, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a mask to enter the theater. Attendees are required to wear a mask while moving about the theater and when in contact with others not from the same household/group. It is strongly encouraged that Attendees mask-up at all times, except while eating & drinking. This is for everyone’s safety, including immunocompromised persons who enjoy theater just as much as you. Attendees must practice social distancing (3 ft.) at all times.
Bootless personnel wear masks for your safety. Performers are fully vaccinated and perform without masks. Attendees may not approach a Performer unless masked, and only after obtaining consent from the Performer. Anyone violating this procedure will be given a warning and/or asked to leave the venue.
Hand sanitizer is located throughout the event area for your vigorous and liberal application. Bootless operates with commercial air purifiers and implements various other COVID-19 cleaning/disinfecting protocols.
If you have recently been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, or if you are running a fever, or if you are not feeling well in any way that suggests symptoms of COVID-19, Bootless asks you do not attend the event. Also, should you arrive and show symptoms of COVID-19, you may be asked to leave. Bootless reserves the right to request proof of vaccination for entry into the theater.
By purchasing a ticket to the event, it is deemed you agree and will adhere to all COVID-19 requirements, and the email provided for your ticket purchase may be used for contact tracing purposes.
Bootless meets all State of Delaware COVID-19 Business Safety Protection requirements.